1 taza de arroz integral
cocido, recomiendo yamani o alguno de grano redondo.
1 taza de amaranto cocido
semillas o hierbas secas a
Cocinar el
arroz con mas agua de la indicada, si normalmente se cocinaría en el doble de
agua háganlo en el triple. Lo mismo con el amaranto y si normalmente se hace en
el doble de agua cocínenlo en 4 veces su volumen de agua. Pueden salar al
cocinar o después. Si gustan pueden agregar alguna hierba o un diente de ajo
para darle sabor en la cocción. Cocinarlos hasta que absorban todo el agua y
estén blanditos. Si absorbieron todo el agua y no están blandos, agregar
agua. Una vez listo dejarlos reposar
unos 10/15’. Precalentar el horno a 180º
y forrar una placa con papel de horno o una plancha de silicona. Poner en la
procesadora el arroz y el amaranto juntos y procesar hasta obtener una pasta
homogénea. Estirar con espátula arriba del papel o la silicona de manera pareja
hasta tener un espesor de unos 3 mm masomenos. Yo le agregue semillas de hinojo
a una parte pero le pueden poner lo que les guste, semillas de eneldo, oregano
o pimienta. Cocinar 20' minutos de un lado , despegar con cuidado y cocinar 20’ del otro o hasta que dore. Dejar
enfriar y cortar como gusten con la mano, al menos asi me gusta a mi. Un tip: untar con Pesto de hojas de rabanito.
Cook the rice with more water than the usual, if the measure is 2 water to 1 rice, use three times. The same with the amaranth, if normally the measure is 3 water to 1 amaranth use 4 to 1. You can add salt to the cooking water as well as herbs or a clove of garlic, or later in the mixer. Cook them until the water is absorved and the rice and amaranth are very soft. If they are not soft when the water is absorved add more water. Once they are ready, let them cool with the lid on pro about 10/15'. Preheat the oven to 180º, and line a baking tin with parchment. Then put together rice and amaranth in a mixer until the mix is even. Spread even over the parchment up to 3mm thickness. I sprinkled fennel seeds over a part, but you can add what you like, dill seeds, oregano, etc. Bake 20' turn and bake 20' more on the other side until golden. Let cool and cut in pieces with your hands. A tip: spread with Radish green's pesto!
1 cup cooked brown rice
1 cup cooked amaranth
salt and seeds or dry herbs to taste
Cook the rice with more water than the usual, if the measure is 2 water to 1 rice, use three times. The same with the amaranth, if normally the measure is 3 water to 1 amaranth use 4 to 1. You can add salt to the cooking water as well as herbs or a clove of garlic, or later in the mixer. Cook them until the water is absorved and the rice and amaranth are very soft. If they are not soft when the water is absorved add more water. Once they are ready, let them cool with the lid on pro about 10/15'. Preheat the oven to 180º, and line a baking tin with parchment. Then put together rice and amaranth in a mixer until the mix is even. Spread even over the parchment up to 3mm thickness. I sprinkled fennel seeds over a part, but you can add what you like, dill seeds, oregano, etc. Bake 20' turn and bake 20' more on the other side until golden. Let cool and cut in pieces with your hands. A tip: spread with Radish green's pesto!
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