Ingredientes (como para 2 personas)
- 400 gr de pescado blanco fresco fresquisimo, por ejemplo lenguado
- 1 cebolla morada
- 6 limones grandes
- 1 ramo de cilantro
- 1 pizca de sal
- wasabi en polvo o crema a gusto
- 1 batata
- 1 choclo
- 4 rabanitos
Pelar la batata, cortarla en rodajas y hervir. Cortar el choclo en 2 o 3 trozos y hervir. Una vez cocidos, dejar enfriar y reservar. Exprimir el jugo de los limones, mezclar el wasabi y agregar una pizca de sal. Picar un puñado de hojas de cilantro descartando los tallitos y agregar al jugo. Cortar el pescado en cubos de 1,5/2 cm de lado. Colocar el pescado en un bol donde entre comodo y cubrir con el jugo de limon. Agregar la cebolla mezclandolo para que se fundan los sabores dejar reposar 5 a 10 minutos dependiendo de si te gusta mas o menos cocido. Poner en un plato algunas hojas de lechuga, sobre ellas la mitad del ceviche, y acompañar con algunas rebanadas de batata, un trozo de choclo y unas rebanadas muy finas de rabanito. Si les gusta pueden agregar un poquito de cilantro picado por arriba. Repetir para la segunda porcion. Vieron? es muy facil hacer ceviche en casa! Solo deben cuidar que el pescado sea muy pero muy fresco. Recomiendo mimarse y comerlo con un rico vino blanco seco. Mmmm!!
Here is my first non vegetarian recipe. Surprised? Well, I must confess I'm not a vegetarian. This is one of my favourite dishes and I wanted to try it at home for a long time.In case you don't know Ceviche is a tipical peruvian dish based on fresh raw fish cured with citric juice. It is prepared with white meat fishes such as sole or grouper, lime or lemon juice, thinly sliced onion and chile. For my own version I chosed lemons because I had some nice ripe ones from my own lemon tree and as I am not a good friend with chile(it makes me cough) I replace it with wasabi which I love. The results where spectacular, so here is the recipe for you to try.
Ingredients (for 2)
- 400 gr super fresh white meat fish such as sole
- 1 red onion
- 6 big lemons
- 1 bunch of cilantro
- 1 pinch of salt
- powder wasabi en polvo or paste to taste
- 1 sweet potato
- 1 corn
- 4 radish
Peel and cut the sweet potato in nice not that thin slices, boil. Cut the corn in 2 or 3 pieces and boil too. Set aside and let cool. Squeeze the lemons, mix in the juice the wasabi, a pinch of salt. Chop a handful of cilantro and add to the lemon juice. Cut the fish in squares and lay in a bowl. Add the lemon juice and the onions and mix to let the flavors. Let sit for 5 to 10 minutes to taste depending on the raw level you like. Lay some lettuce on a plate and over them half of the ceviche, some sweet potato slices, a piece of corn and some slices of the radish. Repeat for the second portion. See? it is very easy to prepare it at home and the only secret is a good quality very fresh fish. Spoil yourself with a nice dry white wine when eating it.
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